Below you can find links to the websites of some of our customers, professional and amateur astronomers alike. See how other astronomers have found success using their MallinCams.
- LOWELL OBSERVATORY in Flagstaff Arizona USA. Click Here to visit the impressive Outreach Program offered by Lowell Observatory Using a MallinCam.
- Check out the Southern California Desert Video Astronomers' (SCDVA) excellent organized group. A must see! Click Here
- Click Here to visit world renowned Tom Osypowski's excellent Equatorial Platform website with plenty of MallinCam images.
- Check out astrophotographer Neil Fleming's website about Video Astronomy by Clicking Here.
- Click Here to visit Dave Kriege's Obsession Telescope web site for outstanding images taken live from the monitor with a 25" Obsession telescope.
- Gary Kronk's fantastic web site of MallinCam images of meteors, comets, and deep sky objects. A must see! Click Here.
- Visit our US dealer Jack Huerkamp's well informed web site. Some of the most detailed images are posted and two live AVI sequences of what you can see with a MallinCam. A must see!! Click Here.
- Click Here to visit Dr. Simon Hanmer's GSO (Garden Shed Observatory). Dr. Hanmer is a geologist and an amateur astronomer. He has an extensive collection of images taken from downtown Ottawa, Canada.
- Click here to visit Michael Vassur of Gatineau, Quebec, Canada. Mr. Vasseur is currently doing research with his observatory located in downtown Gatineau. A well documented site about astrometry with a MallinCam Hyper.
- Visit Denis Legault's Couch Potato Observatory (CPO), including his extensive deep sky image catalog for MallinCam users. A Must See!! Click Here.
- Visit Richard Blaisdell's Au Sable Forks Observatory. An excellent setup. Click Here.
- Visit Sean Breazeal's impressive collection of images taken with his MallinCam VSS Color. Click Here.